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Last month, hackers claimed to have penetrated Ashley Madison's backend security and made off with critical information, including email addresses, customer data, the diverse fantasies of said clients, and credit carte billing data. The group stated that unless Ashley Madison agreed to close down, they would release the trove of records online. Normal dating sites don't typically attract this kind of ire, merely Ashley Madison differentiates itself from the typical OKCupid or Friction site past explicitly marketing to people who want to cheat on their spouses.

Ashley Madison has been previously accused of declining to delete user data and charging $twenty to perform a marginally more effective deletion, doesn't inform users that they may exist contacted by calculator-generated profiles for "entertainment" purposes, and has a meaning gender imbalance issue (70% of site users are men) that isn't typically explained to new customers. These issues, combined with alleged security mismanagement, are supposedly why hackers working under the proper noun of The Impact Squad targeted the site. As of today, the entire 10GB database is available for download via a Tor onion site.


Security analysts and researchers have already begun combing through the data, which includes data that shows an estimated xv,000 .mil and .gov email addresses in the millions of other consumer records. And so far, credit carte du jour records don't announced to accept been stolen, just some of the information, but it's not clear what might be lurking in other areas. Ashley Madison might actually get strong marks in i regard; Wired reports that the site used bcrypt to shield its user accounts. Bcrypt is a much slower encryption method than some of the others in wide use and was designed to be difficult to crack. Hard, however, isn't the same thing equally impossible — weak passwords should still receive some protection from Avid Life Media (the owner of Ashley Madison)'s choice in encryption methods, just it's not going to preclude people from penetrating files over the long term.


Impact Squad defended their decision to release this data by placing most of the blame on Avid Life Media itself. Ashley Madison claims to have secured its websites and databases from future intrusion, just of course that's going to be cold comfort to anyone already hacked in this set on. There's no word yet of whatsoever particularly juicy finds, and since Ashley Madison didn't perform email verification, information technology's always technically possible that people lied to preserve their own identities when signing upwardly for the service. Still, this information could send shockwaves through a lot of marriages over the next few weeks and go out divorce lawyers whistling all the way to the bank.