
How To Cancel Fight Pass On Iphone

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  1. if you google it or go to the FAQ. this is what is stated.

    How do I cancel my UFC FIGHT PASS subscription?
    Click on the "My Account" tab on the top of the UFC FIGHT PASS page. Once you are there, click on the "My Subscriptions" tab. Then Click "Cancel Subscription" and when asked to confirm click "Yes, Cancel Subscription." You can resume access to UFC FIGHT PASS at any time, as long as your payment information is up to date.

    .....but of course when you go to both the mobile app or the actual website, there is nothing call "my account" tab.

    you have a "account info" drop down option ...but of course there is nothing in there to cancel. ive looked thru every open for 30 minutes.

    apparently they are making it extremely hard to cancel.

    plz help.

  2. Talk to Dana, he'll help you out.


  3. dude. i have found it in seconds, multiple times. i don't remember off the top of my head (and i cannot log in now because i'm not subscribed), but 3 or 4x i've signed up and cancelled later and didn't once find it as difficult as you are right now.

    sorry i'm as unhelpful as the FAQ.

  4. ive looked thru every option.
  5. try Account | My Subscription | Cancel Subscription


    and then try this.

  6. West_Hammer

    West_Hammer Blue Belt

    Jan 10, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Click 'Packages and Purchases', thats where it is on the mobile website.
  7. not going to be that easy lol.

    im on the mobile and there is NOTHING called packages and purchases. looking under the drop down menu and everything.

  8. there is no "my accounts" tab that video is false
  9. jpadilla295

    jpadilla295 Blue Belt

    Jul 13, 2017
    Likes Received:
    pretty sure it has to be the desktop site man
  10. Just delete your payment information...They can't charge you if they can't bill your card.
  11. West_Hammer

    West_Hammer Blue Belt

    Jan 10, 2016
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    You on iPhone? Open the drop down top left, click on your name. When that drop down opens, click 'account info'. When that opens, it should show you your details, scroll down. Below Billing and Payment info should be Packages and Purchases. C8AAA53B-7AE2-4F89-B1C9-0B66C9A41E53.png
  12. im on both website and mobile and there is no cancelation option.
  13. No thanks.

    I love Fight Pass.

  14. Or just tell your CC to cancel it.
  15. dude, none of that exsists on my phone or app. I have android.

    here are my options:
    (my emails name)
    Account Settings
    Order History
    Local Time

  16. rurouni

    rurouni Black Belt

    Feb 13, 2008
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  17. my payment info isn't even listed anywhere, but yet it hits my debit card every month.
  18. its a debit card and im trying to avoid having to do a stop payment and all that bs. why cant I just hit a fucking cancel button.
  19. can no one seriously answer this question? ..... fight pass app on android. how do you cancel and detail it to me like im a 5 yr old

    whoever can figure this out will win the thread.

  20. Weird I would get to a computer because that's what I did to cancel my free week. There's gotta be a way to do it through the app though but online it takes two seconds.
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How To Cancel Fight Pass On Iphone


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